Spurgeon – Matthew Commentary
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Commentary on Matthew – The Gospel of the Kingdom
Spurgeon’s Commentary on Matthew therefore represents the fruit of a lifetime spent in the study and exposition of Scripture.
Spurgeon’s books are actually sermons he preached in his church. Spurgeon was a pastor, both Baptist and Reformed. Download “Spurgeon-Matthew-Commentary.cmt.twm” Spurgeon-Matthew-Commentary.cmt.twm – Downloaded 4 times – 432.00 KB
Zukeran A Compilation of articles on the Cults is a compilation of 21 articles on the different cults and cultism in general. These articles are from Probe.org, and are excellent short articles on different points (unbiblical positions of the cults) for your study and understanding.
Zukeran Articles on the Cults theWord format.
Zukeran Articles on the Cults PDF format
Zukeran Articles on the Cults Mysword format.
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