• December 18, 2024

Peake, Arthur S. – Commentary on the Bible

Peake, Arthur S. – Commentary on the Bible

Peake’s Commentary, first published in 1919 as A Commentary on the Bible, was written by 61 authors and edited by Arthur Samuel Peake. A few of the others authors include George G. Findlay, Samuel Holmes, and James Moffatt.

In 1937, Peake’s Commentary was republished with a 40 page supplement, edited by A. J. Grieve. Between 1939 and 1960, the work was republished 10 more times.

(Note on the 1937 version vs. the 1962 version: In 1962 Matthew Black and Harold Henry Rowley rewrote Peake’s Commentary. But this theWord module is the 1937 edition edited by Peake, not the 1962 rewritten version).

Peake’s one volume commentary covers the entire Bible, with an emphasis on biblical criticism, interpretation, history and theology from the nineteenth century.

Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel is a basic doctrinal treatise for Assurance, Conversion, Eternal Life, Judgment, Justification, Perfection, Regeneration, Salvation, Sanctification, and Separation.
PDF:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
theWord:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
eSword:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel
MySword:Ritchie Foundational Truths of the Gospel

The 40 page supplement edited by A. J. Grieve is included in the Book module. Topics include “The Language of the New Testament,” “The Roman Empire in the First Century,” “The Holy Land,” “Weights, Measures, Money, and Time,” “Contemporary Jewish Religion,” and many more. Download “Peake, Arthur S. - Commentary on the Bible” Peake-Arthur-S.-Commentary-on-the-Bible.cmt.twm – Downloaded 203 times – 6.21 MB


Let's say you are writing something within theWord (in a BookView Window). You want to insert a verse. Where is that verse that says you should worship only God? Well, you remember part of it, that it is in Matthew 4 in the temptation of Jesus in the desert, but you don't remember exactly where it is. Quick Finding a verse