• September 20, 2024

Darby Synopsis of the Bible

Darby Synopsis of the Bible The object of the book is to help a Christian, desirous of reading the word of God with profit, in seizing the scope and connection of that which it contains. Originally written in French, John Darby’s Synopsis provides an excellent summary and overview of each chapter of the New Testament.

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Allen – Commentary on Matthew

This Commentary on Matthew is recommended in various quarters, because it has good linguistic and textual resources, as well as including historical, archaeological, theological, and other viewpoints.

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Anderson – Types in Hebrews

This is a work on Hebrews by Sir Robert Anderson, looking at the Types in Hebrews which is a tremendous topic in and of itself. Note that this module is not in cmt format, but regular book format.

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Meyer Ephesians Commentary

F.B. Meyers Through the Bible Commentary, Meyer Ephesians Commentary

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Coke, Thomas – A Commentary on the Holy Bible

Coke, Thomas – A Commentary on the Holy Bible is a massive work, but it is done in the view of Methodists. That may be a plus or a minus depending on your viewpoint.

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Expositor’s Bible Vol 42 Colossians and Philemon by Alexander Maclaren

Expositor’s Bible Vol 42 Colossians and Philemon by Alexander Maclaren THE EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL TO THE COLOSSIANS AND PHILEMON BY ALEXANDER MACLAREN, D.D. TENTH EDITION London: HODDER AND STOUGHTON 27, PATERNOSTER ROW MCMII [iv] Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. [v] CONTENTS. THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. PAGE Chap. I. v. 1, 2.…

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Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament

Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament is by far the best Hebrew langauge aware commentary on the OT. In English, uses Hebrew grammar points.

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