• November 16, 2024

Whitefield, George – Sermons

Whitefield, George – Sermons

Sermons of George Whitefield arranged alphabetically.

Table of Contents

1. The Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent. (Gen. 3:15)
2. Walking with God. (Gen 5:24)
3. Abraham’s offering up his Son Isaac. (Gen 22:12)
4. The great Duty of Family-Religion. (Joshua 24:15)
5. Christ the best Husband: or, an earnest Invitation to Young Women to come and see Christ. Preached to a Society of young Women, in Fetter-Lane. (Psalm 45:10-11)
6. Britain’s Mercies, and Britain’s Duty. Preached at Philadelphia, on Sunday, August 24, 1746. and occasioned by the Suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion. (Psalm 105:45)
7. Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary Duty. (Psalm 107:30-31)
8. The Necessity of Benefits of Religious Society. (Eccles. 4:9-12)
9. The Folly and Danger of not being righteous enough. (Eccles. 7:16)
10. A Preservative against unsettled Notions, and want of Principles, in regard to Righteousness and Christian Perfection. (Eccles. 7:16)
11. The Benefits of an early Piety. (Eccles 12:1)
12. Christ the Believer’s Husband. (Isaiah 44:5)
13. The Potter and the Clay. (Jer. 18:1-6)
14. The Lord our Righteousness. (Jer. 23:6)
15. The Rightousness of Christ an everlasting Righteousness. (Dan. 9:24)
16. The Observation of the birth of Christ, the Duty of all Christians; or the true Way of keeping Christmas. (Matthew 1:21)
17. The Temptation of Christ. (Matt. 4:1-11)
18. The Heinous Sin of profane Cursing and Swearing. (Matt. 5:34)
19. Christ the Support of the Tempted. (Matt. 6:13)
20. Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of Religion. (Matt. 8:22)
21. Christ the only Rest for the Weary and Heavy Laden. (Matt. 11:28)
22. The Folly and Danger of parting with Christ for the Pleasures and Profits of Life. (Matt. 8:23-34)
23. Marks of a True Conversion. (Matt. 18:3)
24. What think ye of Christ? (Matt. 22:42)
25. The wise and foolish Virgins. (Matt. 25:13)
26. The Eternity of Hell-Torments. (Matt. 25:46)
27. Blind Bartimeus. (Mark 10:52)
28. Directions how to hear Sermons. (Luke 8:18)
29. The Extent and Resaonableness of Self-Denial. (Luke 9:23)
30. Christ’s Transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-36)
31. The Care of the Soul urged as the one thing needful. (Luke 10:42)
32. A Penitent Heart, the best New Year’s Gift. (Luke 13:3)
33. The Gospel Supper. (Luke 14:22-24)
34. The Pharisee and the Publican. (Luke 18:14)
35. The Conversion of Zaccheus. (Luke 19:9-10)
36. The Marriage of Cana (John 2:11)
37. The Duty of searching the Scriptures. (John 5:39)
38. The Indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all Believers. (John 7:37-39)
39. The Resurrection of Lazarus. (John 11:43-44)
40. The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. (John 16:8)
41. Saul’s Conversion. (Acts 9:22)
42. Marks of having received the Holy Ghost. (Acts 19:2)
43. The Almost Christian. (Acts 26:28)
44. Christ, the Believer’s Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. (1 Cor. 1:30)
45. The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge. (1 Cor. 2:2)
46. Of Justification by Christ. (1 Cor. 6:11)
47. The great Duty of Charity recommended. (1 Cor. 13:8)
48. Satan’s Devices. (1 Cor. 2:11)
49. On Regeneration. (2 Cor. 5:17)
50. Christians, Temples of the living God. (2 Cor. 6:16)
51. Christ the only Preservative against a Reprobate Spirit. (2 Cor. 13:5)
52. The heinous Sin of Drunkenness. (Ephesians 5:18)
53. The Power of Christ’s Resurrection. (Philip. 3:10)
54. Intercession, every Chritian’s Duty. (1 Thess. 5:25)
55. Persecution every Christian’s Lot. (2 Tim. 3:12)
56. An Exhortation to the People of God not to be discouraged in their Way, by the Scoffs and Contempt of wicked Men. (Hebrews 4:9)
57. Preached before the Governor and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770. (Zech. 4:10)
58. The Method of Grace. (Jeremiah 6:14)
59. The Good Shepherd [A Farewell Sermon (The last sermon which Whitefield preached in London, on Wednesday, August 30th, 1769, before his final departure to America.)] (John 10:27-28)


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