Gaebelein Daniel Prophet
In Gaebelein Daniel Prophet, he examines the prophetic truths of the Bible, with a view towards their fulfillments. For more than half a century evangelist, author, journalist, and Bible expositor Arno C. Gaebelein passionately proclaimed the prophetic truths of the Bible and daily lived with the hope of their fulfillment. With a ministry that bridged two centuries and endured two world wars, Gaebelein never doubted the relevance of the study of prophecy for spiritual growth and for interaction with the chaos of culture. In the midst of the thundering storms of World War I, he encouraged Christians not to despair, for the trials of this world would one day give way to the triumph of Christ.
In 1915 he wrote:
The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back! He may be here at any moment! He may come today! Now this is not a foolish assertion that He will come today. Nor is it the setting of a specific time for Him to come, which would be equally foolish and wrong; yet many do it. It is the sober statement of a fact, to arouse souls from their carelessness and indifference, and point them to the clear testimony of God’s only Word that the Lord Jesus is coming again, and maybe here today (Meat in Due Season, 64).
Dagg Manual of Theology (and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)
Concerning this book…
Prophecy is history rewritten. The history of nations, the times of the Gentiles, the present age in which we live, its course and end, the coming glories in a future age—all this and much more God has revealed. But the center of all prophecy is Jesus Christ—his sufferings and glory, his first and second coming.
The book of Daniel, perhaps more than any other, deals with great prophecies—some unfulfilled to this day. In The Prophet Daniel, Gaebelein outlines the trajectory of world history through the prophecy in the book of Daniel. He shows how the past fulfillment of prophecy in Daniel provides added certainty of future fulfillment.
Table of Contents on Gaebelein Daniel the Prophet
Chapter 1. Daniel and His Companions in Babylon
Chapter 2. The Great Prophetic Dream of Nebuchadnezzar
Chapter 3-6. Historical Events
Chapter 7. The Night Visions of Daniel
Chapter 8. The Vision of the Ram and the He-Goat
Chapter 9. The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Chapter 10. Preparation for the Final Prophecy
Chapter 11. The Wars of the Ptolemies and Seleucidae Predicted and the Coming Events of the End
Chapter 12. The Great Tribulation and Israel ‘s Deliverance
Read Gaebelein – The Prophet Daniel online at the
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Also see the tags: Dispensationalism and Dispensationalists
Torrey Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith is a set of 15 chapters on various doctrinal themes in the Bible. Some of these chapters are...
1. Inspiration, or to what extent is the Bible Inspired of God?
2. The Christian conception of God...
4. The Deity of Jesus Christ
5. Jesus Christ, a Real Man
6. The Personality of the Holy Spirit
7. The Deity of the Holy Spirit and the Distinction between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
8. The Atonement...
9. The Distinctive Doctrine of Protestantism: Justification by Faith
10. The New Birth
11. Sanctification
12. The Resurrection of the Body of Jesus and of our Bodies
13. The Devil
14. Is there a Literal Hell?
15. Is Future Punishment Everlasting?
Published in 1918.
PDF: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines
theWord: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines
MySword: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines
eSword: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines