Smith, James – Believer’s Triumph!
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The Believer’s Triumph! or,
No condemnation in Christ—No Separation from Christ
A devotional exposition of Romans 8
by James Smith, 1862
Editor’s note: We have found the following chapters to be the gems of the book:
Bondage and Liberty
No Comparison!
The Attitude of Creation
The Present State of Creation
The Hope of Creation
Nature and Grace Groaning
Salvation by Hope
The Object of Hope
Torrey Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith is a set of 15 chapters on various doctrinal themes in the Bible. Some of these chapters are...
1. Inspiration, or to what extent is the Bible Inspired of God?
2. The Christian conception of God...
4. The Deity of Jesus Christ
5. Jesus Christ, a Real Man
6. The Personality of the Holy Spirit
7. The Deity of the Holy Spirit and the Distinction between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
8. The Atonement...
9. The Distinctive Doctrine of Protestantism: Justification by Faith
10. The New Birth
11. Sanctification
12. The Resurrection of the Body of Jesus and of our Bodies
13. The Devil
14. Is there a Literal Hell?
15. Is Future Punishment Everlasting?
Published in 1918.
PDF: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines
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eSword: Torrey Fundamental Doctrines