Expositor’s Bible Vol 29 Matthew by Rev. J.M. Gibson
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Expositor’s Bible Vol 29 Matthew by Rev. J.M. Gibson
Table of Contents
1 – The Coming of the Christ – Mat_1:1-25.
2 – His Reception – Mat_2:1-23.
3 – His Herald – Mat_3:1-12.
4 – His Baptism – Mat_3:13-17.
5 – His Temptation – Mat_4:1-11.
6 – Beginning of His Galilean Ministry – Mat_4:2-25.
7 – The Gospel of the Kingdom (” Sermon on the Mount”) – Mat_5:6-7.
I. The Nature and Constitution of the Kingdom
1. In Itself (“The Beatitudes”)
2. In Relation to the World
II. The Law of the Kingdom
1. General Principles
2. Illustrations from the Moral Law
3. Illustrations from Religious Duty
4. Duty in Relation to the World and the Things of it
(1) As regards the Good Things of the World
(2) As regards the Evil in the World
III. Invitation to enter the kingdom
8 – The Signs of the Kingdom – Mat_8:1-34; Mat_9:1-35.
The Leper
The Centurion’s Servant
The Fever Patient
The Impulsive Scribe
The Hesitating Disciple
The Storm Stilled
Demons Cast Out
Sins Forgiven
Death Vanquished
Lost Faculties Restored
9 – The King’s Ambassadors – Mat_9:36-38; Mat_10:1-42.
I. The Mission
II. The Commission
10 – The Shadow of the Cross – Matt. 11 & 12
I. Discouragements
1. John in doubt
2. The Unreasonableness of the People
3. The Unbelief of the Cities
II. The Contradiction of Sinners .
11 – The Parables of the Kingdom – Mat_13:1-58.
I. The Principle of Parabolic Instruction
II. The Group of Seven
12 – The Crisis in Galilee – Matt. 14:1-16:12.
I. The Banquet of Herod and the Feast of Christ
II. Calm on the Mountain and Trouble on the Sea
III. Israel after the Flesh. and Israel after the Spirit
IV. The Culmination of the Crisis
13 – The New Departure (Founding of the Church.) –
Mat_16:13-28; Mat_17:1-21.
I. The Christ
II. The Cross
III. The Glory
IV. The Descent
14 – Last Words at Capernaum – Mat_17:22-27; Mat_18:1-35.
The Temple Tribute
The Little Ones
15 – Last Days in Perea – Mat_19:1-30; Mat_20:1-16.
Marriage and Divorce
The Children
The Rich Young Man
Danger of Riches
16 – To Jerusalem – Mat_20:17-34; Mat_21:1-17.
I. The Going Up
II. The Royal Entry
17 – Conflict in the Temple – Mat_21:18-46 – Mat_23:1-39.
I. The Challenge
The Two Sons
The Husbandmen
The Marriage Feast
II. The Ordeal of Questions
III. The House left Desolate
18 – The Prophecy on the Mount – Matt. 24 & 25
I. The Coming of the Son of Man
II. Parables and Pictures of Judgment
1. The Servant set over the Household
2 and 3. The Virgins ; The Talents
4. The Final Separation
19 – The Great Atonement Day – Mat_26:1-75; Mat_27:1-56.
I. The Evening
II. The Night
III. The Morning
IV. From the Third to the Ninth Hour
20 – The Third Day- Mat_27:57-66; Mat_28:1-15.
The Evening of the First Day
The Second Day
The Morning of the Third Day
21 – The Gospel for all the Nations through “All the Days” – Mat_28:16-20.
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